Folës në eventin Shkodra Digjital Weekend, Giancarlo Vinacci dha kontributin e tij përmes fjalës në shtimin e vlerave të këtij eventi.Kush është Giancarlo Vinacci? Giancarlo…
Shkodra Digital Event includes 2-day activities with where the focus are young people. Conceived in the form of the Student Conference (topic presentation – day 1) and Global Digital City Shkoder (workshop – day 2), this event aims to offer different opportunities for young people, in terms of practical knowledge, as well as information and approximation with the real demands of the labor market.
All of us have to find concrete ways to keep our youth in Albania. Support to create jobs and SMEs [small and medium-sized enterprises], contributing to increase skills and support to young people’s involvement in decision-making processes.
Creating mechanisms for cooperation between government, business, and universities is important for stimulating inflow of outside talent and removing structural barriers.
If you are a student of the Economics Faculty Shkoder or you have finished your studies and you will gain knowledge in the topics: Project Management, Marketing or Data Analytics, be part of the unique event in one of the most beautiful Albanian cities.
In our Shkodra, opportunities don’t happen we create them.
This activity took place in the premises of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Shkodra, where students were equipped with participation certificates, awards at the end of the conference, as well as the opportunity to complete the training program for some of the participating youth in workshops.
Those selected from the training groups had the opportunity to continue the training program further.
The anticipated period for the development of the activity: December 6 and 7, 2022
Date 06.12.2022, where the topics of former students will be presented, which will be evaluated with awards by a selected jury.
Date 07.12.2022, a seminar dedicated to acquiring knowledge in the fields of Project Management, Marketing, and Data Analysis by young people.
The Faculty of Economics in collaboration with ABSL Albania, the Employment Directorate, other faculties of UNISHK,
businesses at the regional and wider scale.
Folës në eventin Shkodra Digjital Weekend, Giancarlo Vinacci dha kontributin e tij përmes fjalës në shtimin e vlerave të këtij eventi.Kush është Giancarlo Vinacci? Giancarlo…
Folës eventin Shkodra Digjital Weekend, Aristide Fausto Massardo dha kontributin e tij përmes fjalës në shtimin e vlerave të këtij eventi.Kush është Aristide Fausto Massardo?…
Folëse në panelin e Digjital Skills në eventin Shkodra Digjital Weekend, Ersenilda Elezi dha kontribut përmes fjalës së saj në shtimin e vlerave të këtij…
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